Steps to calories calculator helps you to estimate the total amount to calories burned while walking.
Winning percentage calculator finds out what proportion of games your favorite team has won.
The steps to miles calculator estimates distance based on stride length and the number of steps walked.
The walking calorie calculator calculates how many calories you burn while walking or running on a treadmill.
Would you like to find out what your maximal aerobic capacity is? We can help you! The VO2 max calculator provides five different methods of VO2 max estimation. Do not hesitate to check it and see what your maximal oxygen uptake is.
Use this pace calculator to plan your running pace per mile in order to determine how fast you need to run to finish your race within a certain time.
This bench press calculator helps you find your one-rep maximum for any lifting movement, such as your squat max, deadlift max, or shoulder press max.
This marathon pace calculator helps you figure out your running pace, speed, or total running time.
The fat burning zone calculator estimates the heart rate you need while exercising to achieve the greatest fat loss.
Calories burned calculator finds out how many calories – and kilograms – you lost while exercising.
The Duckworth Lewis calculator helps you set a fair target for the chasing team in an interrupted game of one-day cricket.
The VO2 max runners calculator will help you become an aware sportsman. Use it to meet your maximal aerobic capacity.
If you're curious about what power you produce while cycling and how it depends on your position, speed, or even tire type, give this cycling wattage calculator a try! 🚴
Find the perfect bike size for road, mountain, or city bikes with this bike size calculator.
Check this Elo Calculator to estimate a rating change after playing a game. You can choose between a game with a single opponent or multiple matches with different competitors.