The critical value calculator helps you find the one- and two-tailed critical values for the most widespread statistical tests.
The p-value calculator can help you find the p-value and evaluate how compatible your data is with the null hypothesis.
The confidence interval calculator finds the confidence level for your data sample.
Use the probability calculator to find the likelihood of various interactions between two distinct events.
t-test calculator performs all kinds of t-tests: one-sample, two-sample, and paired.
With this dice probability calculator, you can easily find the various probabilities related to rolling a set of dice.
The z-score calculator can help you determine the standard score for a data point.
The empirical rule calculator allows you to find the three intervals within which you'll find 68, 95, and 99.7% of your data.
Use the combinations calculator to determine the number of combinations for a set.
Coin flip probability calculator lets you calculate the likelihood of obtaining a set number of heads when flipping a coin multiple times.
Use the odds calculator to convert odds to a probability of winning or losing.
The degrees of freedom calculator finds the number of independent values in a data sample.
Use the binomial distribution calculator to calculate the probability of a certain number of successes in a sequence of experiments.
Our Z-test calculator is here to help you learn about, and perform, a one-sample Z-test.
Point estimate calculator computes the "best guess" of an unknown population parameter.
Rotate the screen to use Omni
The accuracy calculator is a simple tool for calculating accuracy using three simple methods.
Bayes' theorem calculator helps calculate conditional probabilities in accordance with Bayes' rule.
What is the chance of choosing the box containing only gold? Find the answer to Bertrand's box paradox with Omni!
Bertrand's paradox is an intriguing warning for every scientist: dealing with infinity and randomness can lead to pitfalls!
The birthday paradox calculator is a tool that enables you to determine the probability that at least two people from a group of a given size will share a birthday.
The boy or girl paradox is an excellent example of why how we ask questions matters!
The Chebyshev's theorem calculator counts the probability of an event being far from its expected value.
Coin flip probability calculator lets you calculate the likelihood of obtaining a set number of heads when flipping a coin multiple times.
With this coin toss streak calculator, you will discover a very interesting problem in probability related to consecutive heads appearing in coin flips.
Use the combinations calculator to determine the number of combinations for a set.
Use the conditional probability calculator to determine the probability of an event conditional on another event.
Our confusion matrix calculator helps you to calculate all the metrics you need to assess the performance of your machine learning model.
With this dice average calculator, you can quickly calculate the average value of a set of dice rolls.
With this dice probability calculator, you can easily find the various probabilities related to rolling a set of dice.
Use this dice roller calculator when you've lost the dice to your favorite board game. Throw up to 15 dice of twenty different types.
Unlock the power of statistics with our expected value formula calculator. Learn how to calculate the expected value swiftly. Try it today!
Discover why "accurate" tests can be misleading with this false positive paradox calculator.
Our implied probability calculator helps you to calculate the probability of an incident happening, given the odds.
The Monty Hall Problem calculator can help you win a car 66% of the time — but only if you play the game!
Learn how two losing games can make a winning game by alternating between them in this Parrondo's paradox calculator.
Use Omni's password combinations calculator to find how many possible combinations of numbers, letters, and symbols exist, given the length of a password.
Use the permutation calculator to determine the number of permutations in a set.
Use this p-hat calculator to determine the sample proportion according to the number of occurrences of an event and the sample size.
The post-test probability calculator allows you to calculate pre-test probability, likelihood ratios, and finally, the post-test probability itself.
Use the probability calculator to find the likelihood of various interactions between two distinct events.
The probability of 3 events calculator determines the chances of three independent events occurring.
No more straining with the tossing a coin and the rolling of dice - this random number generator will give you the figures you need.
Use the relative risk calculator to compare the probability of developing a disease in two groups of people.
Risk calculator checks which of the two options is less risky based on the probability of failure and its consequences.
Find your bet's odds and potential winnings with the roulette payout calculator!
Our sensitivity and specificity calculator is a simple way to calculate all the values needed in medical statistics.
The two envelopes paradox calculator helps you determine whether swapping envelopes will make you obtain the envelope with a larger amount of money.
Benford's law calculator allows you to verify if your data set follows Benford's distribution of leading digits.
Beta distribution calculator can evaluate all things related to this famous family of probability distributions.
Use the binomial distribution calculator to calculate the probability of a certain number of successes in a sequence of experiments.
The box plot calculator is here to show you a graphic analysis of your dataset in the form of a box-and-whisker plot.
The central limit theorem calculator allows you to calculate the sample mean and the sample standard deviation for the given population distribution and sample size.
The confidence interval calculator finds the confidence level for your data sample.
The continuity correction calculator shows you how to apply continuity correction to approximate a binomial distribution of a given problem.
The empirical rule calculator allows you to find the three intervals within which you'll find 68, 95, and 99.7% of your data.
The exponential distribution calculator finds out the probability of a certain amount of time elapsing between two events.
Exponential growth prediction tool estimates a future value based on past performances.
The frequency distribution calculator generates the cumulative frequency distribution table and a bar graph representing the frequency distribution for the given set of numbers.
The frequency polygon calculator will help you create a frequency polygon for the given set of data points.
Our geometric distribution calculator will help you determine the probability of a certain number of trials needed for success.
The histogram calculator is a histogram maker and a lesson on histograms, all in one. Let's explore what is a histogram, some examples, and the differences between a histogram vs a bar chart.
Use the hypergeometric distribution calculator to find the probability (or cumulative probability) associated with the hypergeometric distribution.
Our lognormal distribution calculator helps you solve problems regarding probabilities, quantiles, samples, etc. from the lognormal distribution.
The negative binomial distribution calculator calculates what is the probability according to the Pascal distribution.
Effortlessly calculate probabilities with our bell curve calculator, a perfect tool for any probability distribution analysis. Try it today!
The normal probability calculator for sampling distributions gives you the probability of finding a range of sample mean values.
Using this pie chart calculator, you can compare values in different groups visually using a pie chart.
The Poisson distribution calculator is a tool for determining the probability of a certain number of independent events happening in a given time.
Our Rayleigh distribution calculator helps you generate samples from the Rayleigh distribution, or determine probabilities, cdf, pdf, quantiles, and common measures in this distribution.
Our relative frequency calculator can help you find the experimental probability for ungrouped and grouped data, as well as cumulative relative frequency.
Use our sampling distribution of the sample proportion calculator to find the probability that your sample proportion falls within a range.
SMp(x) distribution calculator can generate a six-parameter probability function, which can simulate virtually every known probability distribution.
Convert any given set of integers to a stemplot using this stem-and-leaf plot calculator!
The uniform distribution calculator can perform all sorts of computations related to this popular probability distribution. Comes with free sample generator!
The upper control limit calculator helps you determine the lower and upper control limit values of your dataset.
Use this Weibull distribution calculator if you need find probabilities, quantiles, etc. in the Weibull distribution, or generate samples from this distribution.
The 5 number summary calculator will give you the five most important statistical parameters of your dataset: minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum.
The rating average calculator returns an average rating based on the number of 1-5 ratings.
The coefficient of variation calculator is a convenient way to describe the standard deviation as a percentage of the mean.
Our Cohen's D calculator can help you measure the standardized effect size between two data sets.
Our constant of proportionality calculator can help you to calculate the ratio that relates two dependable given values.
Correlation coefficient calculator quickly finds the values of several different correlation coefficients. If you wish, it will show you the intermediate steps of the calculations as well!
The correlation coefficient calculator helps you determine the statistical significance of your data with the Matthews correlation formula.
Covariance calculator gives you the sample covariance for two equally sized samples, as well as an estimate of population covariance.
Using the decile calculator, you can divide your data into deciles in order to interpret them.
The descriptive statistics calculator will thoroughly analyze your data set using more than 20 different descriptive statistics spread over various subcategories of statistical measurements, such as central tendency and dispersion.
The dispersion calculator is a handy tool that calculates the spread of data using multiple measures like range, interquartile range, variance, and standard deviation.
This error propagation calculator helps propagate the primary parameter(s)' error to the final parameter.
Use the grouped data standard deviation calculator to find the mean, variance, and standard deviation of given data ranges.
Calculate the index of qualitative variation easily with our tool, employing the IQV formula for accurate and fast analysis.
The IQR calculator allows you to find the interquartile range of up to 50 values.
The least to greatest calculator is here to put your numbers (up to fifty of them) in ascending order, even if instead of specific values, you give it arithmetic expressions.
The mean absolute deviation calculator can calculate the mean absolute deviation around the mean, median, or any other statistically significant number.
The mean median mode calculator tells you the mean, median, mode, range, and midrange of a dataset. We also show you all the steps!
The median calculator allows you to calculate the median number of a dataset with up to 50 values.
The median absolute deviation calculator can calculate the median absolute deviation of a data set of up to 50 points.
The midrange calculator will quickly calculate the midrange of a given set of data.
The minimum and maximum calculator will quickly give you the smallest and largest values in your dataset of up to fifty entries.
The MSE calculator can quickly find the mean squared error of your sample and provide you with intermediate calculations. SSE and RMSE are available as well!
The outlier calculator is here to analyze your dataset of up to thirty entries and tell you if any of them are outliers, i.e., differ a lot from the others.
Use this Pearson correlation calculator to find Pearson's r of any given dataset, as well as a general oversight on what Pearson's correlation is all about.
The percentile calculator is here to help you get the k-th percentile of a data set of up to 30 numbers.
This percentile rank calculator finds the percentile for any data value in a dataset that contains up to 30 numbers.
Our pooled standard deviation calculator can help you measure the variability or spread of data when combining or pooling multiple datasets.
Use the population variance calculator to estimate the variance of a given population from its sample.
Our process capability index calculator helps you calculate whether the variation of your process is within specification limits and whether your process can produce the intended output.
The quartile calculator is a simple tool to help you find the quartiles of your dataset (and some additional extra information).
The relative standard deviation calculator presents the standard deviation as a percentage of the mean.
Use Omni's Simpson's diversity index calculator to measure the species diversity in a community.
This skewness calculator finds both the skewness and kurtosis of a dataset and interprets these values, telling you how skewed or peaked your distribution is.
Spearman's correlation calculator can help you determine the value of this popular measure of rank association between two variables.
The standard deviation calculator tells you the mean and standard deviation of a dataset.
Here you can find the Standard Deviation Index Calculator and its possible uses for your test model.
Use this tool to calculate the standard deviation of the sample mean, given the population standard deviation and the sample size.
Use this standard error calculator whenever you need to find the standard error of the mean of any dataset with up to 30 numbers.
Use this sum of squares calculator to determine the variability of your data.
The upper and lower fence calculator determines the cutoff points for outliers in a dataset with up to 50 values.
The variance calculator finds the variance of a set of numbers. It is a measure of how tightly clustered the data is around the mean.
Discover the ultimate Venn diagram solver with our intuitive calculator. Effortlessly visualize complex data intersections and unions. Try it today!
Find how far the measured value may be from the real one using the absolute uncertainty calculator.
Determine the statistical significance of your A/B tests effortlessly with our AB test calculator. Reliable, quick results. Start calculating now!
This coefficient of determination calculator finds the R-squared of any bivariate dataset, and provides an interpretation as well!
The critical value calculator helps you find the one- and two-tailed critical values for the most widespread statistical tests.
This cubic regression calculator will help you determine the polynomial of degree 3 that best fits your two-dimensional dataset.
The degrees of freedom calculator finds the number of independent values in a data sample.
The exponential regression calculator helps you find the exponential curve that best models your dataset.
The Fisher's exact test calculator performs a one-tailed and two-tailed Fisher's test on any given 2 x 2 contingency table.
Use the F-statistic calculator to compare the variances of two given populations.
The linear regression calculator determines the coefficients of linear regression model for any set of data points.
Calculate precise margins of error with our easy-to-use calculator. Get accurate results using the margin of error formula. Try it now!
Our McNemar's test calculator can perform several different versions of this popular statistical test for paired binomial data, including the exact binomial test!
Use the normal approximation calculator to approximate the probability for a binomial event with a normal distribution.
Point estimate calculator computes the "best guess" of an unknown population parameter.
The polynomial regression calculator can help you find a polynomial curve that best fits your data set.
The p-value calculator can help you find the p-value and evaluate how compatible your data is with the null hypothesis.
Quadratic regression calculator determines the parabola that best fits any given set of points.
The raw score calculator will help you to determine the original data point from the mean value, standard deviation, and z-score.
Find out what is the relative error and absolute error, and discover the difference between the two, with our relative error calculator!
The residual calculator helps you to calculate the residuals of a linear regression analysis.
Use this tool to calculate the sampling error incurred when inferring from a population.
t-test calculator performs all kinds of t-tests: one-sample, two-sample, and paired.
The Mann-Whitney U test calculator performs this popular statistical test using the beloved U statistic.
The Wilcoxon rank-sum test calculator allows you to perform the famous non-parametric test based on the ranks of observations. Both exact and approximated versions are available, along with corrections for ties and continuity!
The z-score calculator can help you determine the standard score for a data point.
Our Z-test calculator is here to help you learn about, and perform, a one-sample Z-test.
The sample size calculator determines the sample size required for the result to be statistically significant.
Check out this Shannon entropy calculator to find out how to calculate entropy in information theory.
Use this 10-sided dice roller calculator to roll up to 15 10-sided dice at a time.
Use 6 sided dice probability calculator to find the likelihood of rolling numerous numbers sets with standard cubic dice.
Our 6-sided dice roller calculator simulates the toss of the most common dice type and much more!
If you don't like statistics, but life is forcing you to count the 90% confidence interval, this calculator will significantly help.
The 95% confidence interval calculator will be your buddy in calculating the range in which you can be 95% sure of your result.
The 99% confidence interval calculator will help you with the fundamental statistics problem of estimating a specific confidence interval.
Learn how to calculate the joint probability of two events with Omni's AND probability calculator.
Use our combinations without repetition calculator to know the possible combinations without repetition from a group of objects.
This tool calculates the combinations with repetition of a set of objects. But be careful! Please don't confuse it with permutation!
This custom dice roller calculator will help you with boredom and roll up to 15 dice with up to 120 sides!
This fast D100 dice roller calculator will allow you to throw up to 15 D100 dice at a time.
Roll online multiple D20 dice for Dungeons & Dragons or any tabletop game with our D20 dice roller calculator.
Use our decimal odds calculator to quickly find your total return in case of a winning bet.
This decimal random number generator can output sequences of uniformly distributed random numbers from any given range.
Use DnD Dice Roller Calculator to easily roll multiple dice for your tabletop game.
The false positive calculator finds the rate of false positives based on the specificity and prevalence.
Our first quartile calculator will teach you all there is about the lower quartile.
Use this fractional odds calculator to find the odds of a situation in fraction form.
Sort numbers in descending order with this greatest-to-least calculator.
Use our least to greatest decimals calculator to sort decimals in ascending order.
Find out how much you can win or lose if you wager $100 with the moneyline odds calculator's help.
Use this calculator to order from least to greatest, for any list of numbers.
With our ordering numbers calculator, you can quickly rearrange up to 50 numbers in ascending or descending order.
This or that? The OR probability calculator will teach you how to find the probability of one outcome, the other, or both.
Count exactly what the name says with our permutation without repetition calculator!
Find out how many different arrangements of a set of objects are possible using this permutation with repetition calculator.
With this pie chart angle calculator, you will be able to quickly create pretty pie charts!
With the pie chart percentage calculator, you can find the percentage fraction of categories in a data set, and display them in a pie chart.
Use our possible combinations calculator to know how many combinations are possible, given a total number of objects and a sample size.
Learn how to express probability as a fraction with our probability fraction calculator!
A set of x-y data is fitted with a 4th-order polynomial model using the quartic regression calculator.
The random dice roller can roll up to fifteen dice at once and output a list of their results.
This sensitivity calculator will introduce you to this key concept related to the accuracy of diagnostic tests.
With our specificity calculator, you can learn how to examine the accuracy of diagnostic tests.
This third quartile calculator can help you discover all the interesting properties of the upper quartile.
Use the two dice probability calculator to find the likelihood of running different types of two dice.
Efficiently determine limits with our upper and lower fence calculator. Perfect for statistical analysis. Simplify your data evaluation now!